Aussies are known around the world for their love of sport. It’s easy to take your pick of quality local sporting events to attend whether it be footy, motorsports, tennis, horse racing, cricket, rugby… & the list goes on & on.
We also now live in an era where purchasing things online is the norm and buying tickets to sporting events is one of the most popular online ticketing categories.
So if you are planning an upcoming sporting event and are aiming to achieve record crowds numbers, then check out these 4 tips to help you achieve more sales.
1. Sell your tickets online before the event
Selling tickets online before your event eliminates all of the hassles associated with selling tickets through volunteers and local outlets. Below is a list of some of the main benefits of working with an online ticketing provider:
- Your box office will now be open 24/7. What better way to help maximize ticket sales than to let people buy a ticket to your event anytime day or night from the comfort of their sofa (or even while they sitting on the train planning their weekend’s activities)?
- Weatherproof your event: More pre-sold tickets means these people are committed to coming to your event whatever the weather (and no doubt they will be dragging extra friends with them too). The same cannot be said for people who choose to buy at the gate - if the weather turns nasty they are more likely to pull the pin and stay at home in front of the fire!
- More pre-sold event tickets means more funds can be accessed prior to your event to perhaps enhance your event further or pay for additional advertising for your event.
- More online ticket sales means less staff will be required to work the ticket kiosks. For the time it takes to sell a ticket at the gate over 10 people (with online pre-sold tickets) can be scanned into the venue.
- Print at home tickets mean less base stock tickets are required – which will deliver you a saving on printing costs.
2. Have a professional online presence
Maximize the success of your next sporting event by creating a webpage for your event. Creating a place online that hosts all of your event’s essential information, as well as link to where they can buy tickets 24/7 is a sure fire way to help create a seamless & positive ticketing experience.
Quick and Simple: At Ticketebo the process of setting up your free event webpage is simple. Our pages can be easily customized to best reflect your sporting event’s theme and your branding. Our Client Services team would be happy to show you examples of ticketing pages we have created across many sporting categories including major Sports Expos, Motorsports, Gridiron, Martial Arts events, Body Building events and many, many others.
Smart eye-catching design: We’ve made sure that our event pages have been built using the very latest responsive design techniques - which means your page will look great whether your customers are looking at it on a desktop computer at work, their tablet on the sofa at home, or their mobile phone when they out and about.
3. Reward the early ticket buyers
To help boost ticket sales a key goal should be to get your tickets on sale as early as possible. This way people can start buying their tickets and telling their friends they are going!
A Limited Release Early Bird ticket incentive is a very common strategy used to generate early ticket sales. People love to save money while limiting the amount of tickets available at the discounted price injects a natural sense of urgency in the patron to buy now. And if people think they have got a good deal they are also more likely to tell their friends (eg on social media) which in turn will give you some extra free promotion!
For a more detailed look at 8 Commonly Used Pricing Strategies to help maximize ticket sales, the following article may assist: http://www1.ticketebo.com.au/event-ticketing-tips/8-online-ticketing-strategies-to-help-you-sell-more-tickets-to-your-next-event/
4. Incentivise your Suppliers, Participants or Sponsors to promote ticket sales
Offering incentives such as free tickets or offering a small commission on ticket sales via suppliers, sponsors or athletes is another way to achieve additional promotion for your event and extra ticket sales.
Asking the athletes in particular to get behind event promotions can be very powerful - they are after all whom the crowd is coming to watch and often have very large social media fan bases to promote your event to.
What other tips help you sell more tickets to you events? We’d love to hear what other tips work for you? And for more information about how Ticketebo’s online ticketing solutions can assist your next event, drop us a line at sales@ticketebo.com.au or call us 03 9005 7750.